Discover the wonder of nature – Why do women return to this paradise?
The bay between the Great beach (Velika plaža) and the Small beach (Mala plaža) in Ulcinj represents heaven on earth for women. While staying in Montenegro, you should take time to visit this mystical place that makes you feel completely relaxed and comfortable. You will see that its effects are numerous after you visit the beach for the first time.
The Ladies beach with healing effects is a miracle of nature located at the Adriatic seashore, at the southernmost Montenegrin city, Ulcinj. It is the sole beach in Montenegro “reserved” only for women. This is a place where women connect with nature in a special way, care for theirselves, and nurture their health and beauty.

A place where a woman gets closer to nature in a special way and dedicates herself Photo; Biljana Dabic
Believe it or not, the secrecy of Ladies beach is hidden behind a gate guarded by a man. The citizens of Ulcinj respect the rule that this place is a “women’s heaven”. If an uninformed foreigner wishes to visit it, he is kindly explained that the Ladies beach is “reserved” only for females.
What makes the Ladies beach sanative?
Rich mineral sulphur water springs at the sea, the bay surrounded by pines, fresh air, and the sea scent, with the pleasant Mediterranean climate make the Ladies beach sanative. This atmosphere is ideal for enjoying, and the ambiance is also good for health and beauty, which is scientifically proven.
The healing power of water was examined at the beginning of the 20th century and since then doctors recommend it for the treatment of female infertility along with regular medical therapy. Doctors recommend the Ladies beach for the treatment of skin and respiratory tract diseases as well, because of the benefits of mineral sulphur water combined with seawater.

Ladies beach is a paradise for women Photo: Biljana Dabic
The sulphur springs are located in shallow seawater. The clear seawater and the sulphur create micro and macromolecules convenient for natural aerosol therapy.
The best period of the day to visit the women’s piece of heaven on Earth is the morning when the scents of pinewood and mineral water.

MORNING – the most beautiful part of the day on Ladies Beach Photo: Biljana Dabic
The density of dark green water is specific for this beach. The density may be felt during bathing at the Ladies’ beach. A part of the beach approximately 50 meters long is gravelly, and the depth gradually falls. Blue horizons may be seen from the rocks. There is a cave at the right part of the beach. This is where large quantities of mineral mud are. The mud is suitable for the natural treatment of skin, peeling after which the skin becomes silky and soft.

Going to Ladies Beach are days that a woman dedicates to herself, her health, and beauty Photo: Biljana Dabic
Doctors recommend that infertile women come to the Ladies beach in the early morning, sunbathe and bathe completely nude. In the top 5 nudist beaches in the world, CNN included the Ladies Beach in Ulcinj, stating that the beach provides privacy, and is additionally attractive because of the healing mud and sulfur waters.
From May until October the beach is reserved for women only, while during winter men and children are also allowed to come because of the beautiful natural ambiance.
There are heavenly bights, passages, and small caves near the Ladies beach, towards Ulcinj, which you can enjoy discovering while swimming.

Fairytale and cuts and passages near the Ladies Beach Photo: Biljana Dabic
The time you spend at the beach is the time you devote to yourself, your health, and beauty. While visiting Montenegro, you should take at least one day for this magnificent experience which will make you feel delighted. You will be charged with positive energy and people around you will feel the positive vibes.
You can enjoy visiting the old towns of Bar and Ulcinj in male companionship, and then you can each choose your own spot at the coast – ladies may enjoy the Ladies beach, and gentlemen may visit one of the beaches nearby.
Seven natural healing factors in Ulcinj

Ulcinj with its surroundings – one of the most beautiful destinations on the Montenegrin coast Photo: Biljana Dabic
Along with its surroundings, Ulcinj is one of the most beautiful destinations at Montenegrin coast because of the Old town which has a 3 millenniums old tradition, and because of seven natural healing factors. Owing to the clear blue sea, sandy Long beach (Velika plaža), springs of healing sulphur water, mineral mud, sea salt and its alkali, Ulcinj represents a healing place.

The Great beach in Ulcinj Photo: Biljana Dabic
When it comes to the Ladies beach, the first scientific research was conducted by dr. Jovan Kujačić who published a book about Ulcinj as a sanitary healing place in 1932. Mihajlo Pupin, worldwide recognized scientist from the Balkans, indicated that Ladies beach has healing powers. Russian scientist Shchererbakov also examined the sulphur water springs in Ulcinj and compared them to famous Aachen springs in Germany.
There are many legends connected to the Ladies beach in Ulcinj, the city where pirates used to live.
One of these legends is the story about Unuč Alija and his wife.
Unuč Alija was a very powerful man. He had a wife, Sultaneta, whom he adored, but who could not stay pregnant. In accordance with the customs of that period, he had to leave her and marry another woman who could have children. Alija could not accept that the woman whom he loves would be with another man, nor that he would live with another woman. This is why he decided to murder her. He told his mother that he plans to do it after he comes back from a journey he was starting at that point.

Many legends are associated with the Ladies beach in Ulcinj Photo: Biljana Dabic
His mother felt sorry for her daughter in law because she loved her very much. The old lady grieved for days because of bad fate until one night an angel appeared in her dream. He told her to take her daughter in law to the place where “the water has an odor” to bathe and that bathing will help Sultaneta to stay pregnant.The following morning, the old lady took her daughter in law by hand and led her to the cave where the sulphur water springs are. For 21 days, three times a day, Alija’s wife bathed in sulphur water, following the ritual described by the angel from the dream.
To everyone’s excitement, Unuč Alija and his beloved wife had many offsprings.

The pine forest and small bays make this landscape mystical Photo: Biljana Dabic