Explore Kotor, Budva, St. Stefan

3 TOP places on the Montenegrin coast – Sveti Stefan, Budva, Kotor!


After visiting the island of Sveti Stefan, you will understand why world’s famous tennis player Novak Djokovic chose this particular island for his wedding day. What once was a fishing village, today is an elite tourist complex in Montenegro. Sveti Stefan is a small island, a 5-star hotel resort on the Adriatic cost of Montenegro where world’s jet set is spending their vacation. In 1972 Sveti Stefan got a reward ‘’Golden apple‘’, as the most exclusive summer resort in the world.

Encounters of different civilizations left deep traces in the architecture of Montenegrin towns, which you will see in one day while visiting old medieval towns: Budva and Kotor, which Is included in UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list.

The starting point is in the port of Kotor from where we go towards Sveti Stefan, which was founded in the 15th century. Sveti Stefan, is a rare natural occurrence in the world (tombolo) – with a sandy coating nature has connected the coast with the island cliff, on which is built Sveti Stefan, an exclusive island-hotel. Two impeccable pink-sand beaches and tempting turquoise water are extraordinary natural beauty.

Budva is one of the oldest urban centers on the eastern Adriatic coast, and according to legend, it was founded by Kadmo and Harmony 2500 years ago. Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Venetian Republic, Austro-Hungarian have left their traces in the architecture of the city, and it is precisely the Square of the Churches that will evoke Budva from the 6th to the 19th century.

After Budva, we return to Kotor. Walking around the narrow streets of Kotor, we will have the opportunity to get acquainted with many noble palaces and churches that carry distinctive elements of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. Cathedral of St. Trypun, one of the oldest in the Adriatic, even older than the Basilica of Sts. Peter at the Vatican, is a true example of different styles.

Budva, the Square of the Churches

Meet the most attractive parts of the Montenegrin Coast and different civilization influences in the architecture of Budva and Kotor!

Details & Itinerary


1. Group meeting at the agreed location, in front of the port of Kotor. Driving to Sv, Stefan and free time for a photo break (about 60 min).

2. Tour around the old town of Budva, a short travel through centuries, and free time for refreshment (around 2 hours).

3. Return to Kotor (around 30 min).

4. Visiting the Old Town of Kotor and learning about the different architectural styles of city palaces and churches (about 60 min).

5. End of the excursion.

The excursion lasts about 5 hours

Private tours availabe

Group tours available

Streets of Old town Kotor

Price information

Private tour

Check the price list for private tours

2 persons     2  x  220€     = 440€
3 persons     3  x  180€     = 540€
4 persons     4  x  160€     = 640€
5 persons     5  x   140€     = 700€
6 persons     6  x   120€     = 720€


Group tour


A minimum of 6 participants is required to complete the trip.

Costs included in the price

  • Travel by car, van or bus of high tourist class
  • A licensed travel guide in the language of the group
  • Excursion tax for Kotor
  • Parking services and tolls
  • Organizational costs

The price does not include

  • Food and drink on the excursion
  • Individual costs


  1. Tetiana

    Всім привіт! Ми відвідали Чорногорію у вересні 2022 року на жіночому ретриті. Були дуже вражені красою моря та гір, але хотілося трохи побачити країну. Багато часу на екскурсію не було, тому обрали для невеличкої групи (7 людей) поїздку в Будву та Котор через о.Святий Стефан. Все дуже сподобалося! Чудовий водій Душко розказав цікаві історії по дорозі. Показав куди йти і що дивитися. Ходили самі, але можна за окрему плату замовити і гіда, щоб більше дізнатися історичних фактів. Красива країна, чудові люди, прекрасні чорногорці! Дякуємо з України!

    • AVE Tours team

      Дорогий Тeтйана,
      Ми раді, що вам сподобалося відкривати для себе узбережжя Чорногорії та старі міста. Дякую за позитивний коментар і від імені Душка. Сподіваємося, що разом ми відкриємо інші краси найменшої країни на Балканах.


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